Friday, September 4, 2015

Effective Instruction

In my reading this week, I came across a list of what Eric Banilow and his team of researchers identified as Effective Science Instruction qualities. As I reviewed my own practice in lesson development and as well the practice of my peers in different content areas, I couldn't help but think that these qualities are not limited to only science, but to math, English, social sciences, and the fine arts. No matter what is being taught, whether it is in a formal classroom or out on a field for football practice, if a lesson is missing any of these elements, the learner will most likely miss out on a key component of the main concept. 

Over the next few blog posts, I plan on diving into each of these areas a bit more to discover what it means for both the learner and the teacher. Won't you please join me on the journey?

Offering my BEST to you,

What do you think - are there elements that you believe are missing from this cluster?
Do believe that one of these is more important than the other? Why?

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4) If you did everything correctly, it will state, "Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval." If you do not get that message, please try again. 

5) Many thanks to Tracy Watanabe for these directions to post. 

And thank you for commenting!